Santa Ana

Santa Ana

Places to Eat in Santa Ana

Comedor el Trebol

A day on the road can transform any soul into a hangry mess. If you find yourself in El Congo around lunchtime, stop on by and pile your plate sky high at this affordable food court.

Things to do in Santa Ana

Santa Ana Volcano

This is arguably the crown jewel of the Salvadorian tourist scene. Welcome to the highest volcano within El Salvador. If you think this claim to fame is the reason for its popularity, guess again. Within the depths of the Santa Ana volcano steams a crater lake, its sulphuric contents an electric blue. A truly dazzling view amongst its surroundings, weather permitting.

Unfortunately at such heights, the clouds are not always the friendliest of neighbors and have been known to covet the crater from prying tourist eyes.

If you are trying to avoid stumbling upwards without a herd, skip the tour guide. Frankly, the path is clearly marked and unless you are in need of companionship, the guide is simply unnecessary. Park entry costs an initial $1 followed by a second $6 payment.

Feeling bold and slightly sneaky? Snake your way through the early morning darkness and be rewarded as the sun awakens and uncovers the vivid blue of the waters below. Remember to layer up as the early hour temperatures atop the highest volcano are indeed frigid. As you will be the only one out to greet the morning, this experience does involve sliding past the entry gates, but the experience is unbelievable. 

If traveling from Juayua, you’ll take Bus 238 for about $0.80 to Santa Ana or if coming from Sonsonate, take Bust 216 to Santa Ana for about $0.70. Once in Santa Ana, snag Bus 248 for about $0.70 to Cerro Verde National Park.

If traveling from Lago de Coatepeque, take Bus 242 to El Congo, and then from El Congo grab Bus 248 to the Cerro Verde National Park for $0.70. Keep your eye on the clock as Bus 248 has quite the limited schedule.

Lago de Coatepeque

Take it easy lakeside style following those volcano hikes. Stretch those leg muscles with a casual swim or make it an arm day with a kayak or paddle board. Naturally movement is not for all of us, perhaps just take it slow, nestled in a hammock amongst the sunshine. 

If traveling from Juayua, you’ll take Bus 238 for about $0.80 to Santa Ana or if coming from Sonsonate, take Bust 216 to Santa Ana for about $0.70. From Santa Ana hop on Bus 242 to Lago de Coatepeque for about $0.50.

If traveling from the Santa Ana Volcano, take Bus 248 to El Congo for about $0.70 and then Bus 242 from El Congo to Lago de Coatepeque. Keep your eye on the clock as Bus 248 has quite the limited schedule.

Cerro Verde National Park

No doubt you’ve found yourself in the area for the Santa Ana Volcano, but why not make the most of it. The national park has 2 additional volcanoes, Volcan Izalco and Volcan Cerro Verde, allowing you to attempt the magmanimous trifecta. Whereas Volcan Izalco is still active, the Cerro Verde volcano is extinct and instead forecasts a cloud forest across its crater. Overlooks showcasing the not too distant Lago de Coatepeque promise a sweet refreshment after a day of sweat. Entrance to the park costs around $3.

If traveling from Juayua, you’ll take Bus 238 for about $0.80 to Santa Ana or if coming from Sonsonate, take Bust 216 to Santa Ana for about $0.70. Once in Santa Ana, snag Bus 248 for about $0.70 to Cerro Verde National Park.

If traveling from Lago de Coatepeque, take Bus 242 to El Congo, and then from El Congo grab Bus 248 to the Cerro Verde National Park for $0.70. Keep your eye on the clock as Bus 248 has quite the limited schedule.

Places to Stay in Santa Ana

Bosques del Tibet

On a mission for the bare bones? Bravo! You’ve found it. 

This place sits in between the entrances to the Santa Ana Volcano and Cerro Verde National Park. In other words, you are atop a mountain surrounded by nothing but nature. You can expect no wifi and chilling nights.

Your three options of sustenance include the feeble offerings of your accommodation (beer, chips, and candybars), the food stand across the street with limited hours of operation, and finally, the Cerro Verde National Park restaurant which requires an uphill walk as well as payment of the park entrance fee. 

On the plus side, as stated, you are centrally located for any desired hikes allowing you the possibility of beating the crowds. Down a cup of free instant coffee if in need of some extra pep to start your step. Additionally, there is a small overlook which gives a startling view of the star studded night sky. But the most surprising bonus of all is the luxury of a hot shower.

Both dorms and camping are available.

Captain Morgan Hostel & Bar

Looking to experience Lago de Coatepeque? Forget the public areas and hunker down. 

This hostel overlooks the lake allowing those early risers a serene sunrise. Hate to stand on the sidelines? Head out to the center with one of the free paddleboards or consider renting a jetski for that windblown adrenaline rush. Climb to the upper deck and walk the plank for a quick drop and a sudden stop. With the offered water amenities, a fairly priced restaurant bar on site, and the bus to the Santa Ana volcano stopping just outside, this truly is a one stop shop. 

Both dorms and camping are available.

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