
Hi! Just another thirsty traveler here by the name of Shelby.

Per the standard story, I traded in my safety shell of comfort and employment in the USA for the spontaneous life of a backpacker in 2021. I am a solo budget traveler and hitchhiker.

As most do, I like to skim over the opinions of wanderers before me for tips and recommendations. What I dislike is having to maze my way through a polymer of tabs to obtain this knowledge. I have far stronger feelings towards never ending stories in recipe blogs, but I digress.

My aim is to circumvent this dilemma by providing information for you in as few tabs as possible. It may be a long scroll at times but at least you know you are on the right page. Hopefully, this site helps to assist you in the drafting of your own tale.

Apart from debauchery with an ever changing backdrop, I thoroughly enjoy satirical banter, movies, hiking, and etchasketching. Currently I’m backtracking my experiences at a sluggish, sloth speed. If you are looking for less information and more inspiration, you can join in on my adventure on Instagram.
